Chapter 2.4 - Jacob and Anna Catharina decide to leave Denmark
In late April and early May 1765 began the first wave of defections and emigration. Many fled into the darkness of the night. The names of the settlers who defected found in the reports of inspectors to the magistrates sent colonies. These reports can be found in the archives of Gottorp districts' and Rentekammer Flensburg and Copenhagen.In a letter dated April 16, 1765 the Judge von Plessen Rentekammer discussed the defection of four families of the G6 "Friderichsneuland 'colony and the G5" Friderichsanbau "colony. In another report the same day von Plessen said settlers had received waivers of the colony G14 "Julianenebene." A night escape on April 20, 1765 six people in the G2 "Friderichsfeld" colony was reported in April 1765.
The May 1, 1765 the magistrate of Gottorf, Von Plessen, informed the Rentekammer in Copenhagen about the defection of 16 families of the G5 "Hernbau 'colony and the G18" Neuborm "colony.
The following names appear as "deserters" in that report:Andreas Gomer, Johann Ludwig Terillion, Johann Nicolas Rutz, Conrad Oplander, Christoph Ruber, Johann Sebastian Schneider, Friederich Trager (leder of the colony), Friedrich Stoll, Balthasar Brenckmann, Jacob Schneider, Ludwig and Christian Steinert Genter G5 colony "Friderichsanbau "and Peter Reinhard, Reihard Michel Claus Erks and Jacob Eichhorn of the G18 colony" Neuborm ".The May 1, 1765 a report Gottorf magistrate, Bernard Hartwig Plessen to Rentekammer in Copenaghen, related the defection of settlers district Gottorf:"Last night the settlers have escaped following:"Since the colony G5 "Friderichsanbau": Andreas Gomer / Johann Ludwig Terillion / Johann Nicolas Rutz / Conrad Oplander / Christoph Ruber / Johann Sebastian Schneider / Friederich Trager (Leader of the colony) / Friedrich Stoll / Balthasar Brenckmann / Jacob Shneider / Ludwig Genter and Christian Steinert.G18 colony "Neuborm" Peter Reihard / Michel Reihard / Claus Erks and Jacob Eichhorn.
"They have taken some inventory items and secretly changed by others of lesser value. Arrest warrants have been issued. "The report noted that the fugitives had benefited by taking some of the items of state-owned agricultural inventory, replacing secret by others of lesser value.
The main reason for leaving the colonies was that the daily allocation was halved and therefore was no longer enough. Judge Von Plessen appended to the report:
"... You think that many others will follow suit, but will be delayed until they have received their daily allowance for April ..."The report of May 7, 1765 in connection with the abandonment of an additional nine families of the G18 "Newborm 'colony and the G7" Friderichswiese "Cologne are in the same document. In the district of Flensburg, according to a report April 24, 1765, only 17 of the 80 families settled wanted to stay on their farms. All others expressed the desire to leave and their applications to achieve it were accepted.It was not a difficult task for Musin-Pushkin Russia recruit the former colonists of the Danish king. They felt disappointed and abandoned to their fate and were looking for a way out of their situation. Many reacted immediately offers to become Russian settlers and once again ensure a livelihood for their families. All procedures were handled quickly and contracted received daily expenses and travel fees. First they traveled by boat from Lübeck to St. Petersburg and then were transported by land and water to their areas of settlement in Russia.
(Source. Eichhorn Book
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